So I was reading Ed Brayton’s report on being arrested for photographing a cop, and realized what a coup I got away with last weekend. Not only did I photograph a National Park Police helicopter, I recorded its sound! And then, to make matters worse, I went to the Vietnam memorial and recorded audio there too! Man am I gonna get in trouble.
Except here’s the cool part. The Park Police flew for me! All we hadda do was ask. Hooray them! So now we have some awesome helicopter sound effects, as well as background noise from the Wall, for One Red Flower: Letters Home From Vietnam. Which doesn’t open until next February, but we’ve been working on it for a year already. It’s gonna be the most awesome show ever done by a community theatre. I’m even going to have to make a major update to Macs Cue for it.
No web presence for the show yet, so I can’t show you it.
But I can show you the helicopter. Yes, I asked. They said take as many photos as you want. It’s a secure area; we couldn’t stay there without an escort, but photography was okay. Wow, real security instead of security theatre. Go National Park Police!
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